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Sample Parish Communication

Lent as we know is a time for prayer, reflection and renewal. It is also a wonderful time to connect and reconnect with others in our parishes. It is an opportunity to rebuild and renew relationships. We also know that with the COVID-19 virus there is fear and concern. Each day brings significant changes. We are afraid of becoming ill and are avoiding others because we do not wish to share any potential illnesses which are very responsible decisions. Please know that you are in our prayers.

To that end, even while we are not able to share together physically in our liturgies at this time, please share any prayer requests that you may have.

Please let us know we can walk with you this Lenten and Easter season. If you are able to make a gift online to help sustain our ministry, we are also making that option available to you. Your prayers and your financial support are critical to our ministry.

In love and faith.

Sample Parish Communication 2

Peace of Christ.

As you know now, there are no public Masses celebrated in our churches until further notice. This is the first time in my lifetime that this has occurred. Although I truly believe that this decision is pastorally wise, I would be less than honest if I did not admit that this is also a time of sadness.

Therefore, I celebrate the Eucharist for all of you (and your families and those whom you love) today. With all of you in my heart (and with a lively sense that I am in a place hallowed by the prayers of those who have gone before us), I will kneel before the altar and pray for you. Over and over again. As I do so, this will be my prayer:

God of all mercies, grant:

To our family, safety and good health:

To those afflicted with COVID-19, swift healing;

To health-care providers, strength and stamina;

To our leaders, wisdom and compassion;

To our nation, unity and purpose;

To the dying, comfort;

To the dead, eternal life;

To all believers, strong faith in You;

To the Church, the gift of service;

To the whole human family, unity of heart; and

To us, your servants, the reward of knowing that we are doing Your will when we spend ourselves in loving service of others.

To that end, I would ask each of you to share the link below with family and friends. We need to be able to reach out to everyone in our community. It is more important than ever for us to help one another. We are trying to gather contact information so that we can help each other and pray with each other in this time of need.

In love and faith.

Sample Parish Communication 3

To our families of all faiths, and none, know that you all are in my thoughts every waking hour—not just when I am at the altar. It is our human connections that bring us the greatest joys in life, and provoke our deepest fears. Therefore I ask you to treat yourself and those around you with compassion and forbearance as we navigate this crisis. Take comfort in your ties to those around you, and know that you are an indispensable, irreplaceable member of our family.

May the God of all consolation walk with us through these difficult times. And may He find us worthy of the call to be His healing and reconciling presence in a wounded world.

In this time of need I would continue to ask for your prayers. I would also ask you to continue sharing the link below with others that we may not be reaching. Lastly, I would ask you for your financial support. Our ministry continues but like so many of you we need financial help. Please give online or via text to our ministry..

Prayers and blessings,

Sample Parish Communication 4

Lent focuses on spiritual growth through fasting, almsgiving and prayer. Through self-reflection and sacrifice we aim to purify our hearts and minds in order to better serve others and draw closer to God. As you prepare for Easter, continue knocking on God’s door. Be persistent in prayer; God will answer. These personal conversations with God are the pathway to a fuller life.

In the Christian Church, Lent refers to the period of preparation for the celebration of Easter. A special time of prayer, penance, sacrifice and good works. As this fast falls in the early part of the year, it became confused with the season, and gradually the word Lent, which originally meant spring, was confined to this liturgical use. The Latin name for the fast is Quadragesima derived from the Sunday which was the fortieth day before Easter.

As we continue our Lenten journey, consider how you are using these forty days to prepare for the coming of Christ. Please continue to share your prayer requests. Please continue to invite others to engage with us by sharing this email and this link. Please continue to support our ministry online and via text.

In love and faith.

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